

But… is all stress bad for us?


Only Toxic Stress is harmful and damaging… Because:

*There is not enough time between stressful events for the brain to recover

*The nervous and chemical systems are surging too often and that is bad news for our physical and mental states

Examples: Unresolved Trauma, Abuse, Neglect, Emotional/Verbal mistreatment

Positive Stress and Tolerable Stress are not damaging… They are both UNavoidable and simply put, part of life.

Positive Stress gives a Burst of Energy and Focus… Good for when giving a speech, playing in a big game, taking a test.

Tolerable Stress is just that: something that must be tolerated because it is part of being human. However, it IS tolerable because there is time to recover from the stressor before another major stressor occurs.

Examples: Death of a loved one or a pet, Divorce, Job Loss, Moving


We need to DISCHARGE our STRESS.. daily… more on that later!

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